
Paul Bowman

Paul Bowman is a passionate fitness industry professional who serves as CEO of Wexer, the global leader in the world of virtual fitness.

His passion is never more evident than when discussing Wexer’s company mission: to make world-class exercise accessible to more people through the use of technology – at the same time ensuring traditional fitness operators remain at the very heart of this experience. Paul spearheads this mission based on a clear understanding of health club operations, having previously worked for Virgin Active and Gymbox, as well as in partnership with many other operators during his time at children’s activity specialist Fit for Sport. In his former life as an elite athlete, Bowman was a member of the New Zealand National Volleyball team, winning several regional and international titles. He remains dedicated to fitness and sport and contributes actively as both a writer and a speaker.

Paul is also a speaker at Beyond Activ World in Singapore.