35 Years Transforming Lives
For over 35 years, NASM® has earned its reputation as the gold standard in fitness education, with best-in-class, evidence-based programs across personal training, nutrition coaching, wellness, and sports performance. We’ve built communities of world-class fitness and wellness professionals, with knowledge and tools to transform lives. Our personal trainers, coaches, their clients, and anyone with a passion for fitness and wellness, achieve success and unleash potential with NASM®.
What makes us unique?
- Our proprietary Optimum Performance Training® model (OPT™) provides a systematic and powerful step-by-step method for both trainer and trainee that can be applied to anyone at any age.
- Gym owners and operators prefer NASM® certifications over all other providers.
- More than any other certification provider, NASM® trainers, coaches, and specialists are working at every level of amateur and professional sports, from little league to major league.
- In over 100 countries around the world.
- 1.5 million fitness professionals educated.
To learn more, visit www.nasm.org.
65 Globally
Countries Served
Years in Market
Students Globally
Spas & Wellness

Achievements of 2024
NASM translated 15 professional fitness and wellness certification products into 10 different languages.
We held successful live events in Korea, Greece, Germany, and Thailand. In total, over 1,000 students attended NASM courses at these events.

The demand for educated, trained, confident and motivated fitness professionals has never been higher. Health clubs, gyms, and studios throughout the world are aggressively attempting to recruit, hire, and retain qualified staff at an unparalleled pace and volume.
NASM International continues to work proactively with our global education partners, distributors, and employers as well as our vast network of fitness professionals to provide comprehensive, evidence-based education and training solutions to help employers recruit, onboard, hire and develop elite level Personal Trainers and Group Exercise Instructors.
David Van Daff
Director, Global Industry Development

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