Business Tech

Raising the Bar: Delivering Scalable Global Platforms

The business technology market for operators continues to boom. Market consolidation was slow in 2023, as previous acquirers integrated their recent purchases to existing platforms, however, new entrants hit the market, to challenge the old guard, and successful capital rounds were completed. In the club software and SaaS world (CRM, member management, lead gen), new functionality and features were released, including AI-driven financial analysis, automations and content creation. Payment providers expanded their offerings to include new wallets and staggered payments. Almost overnight, data exploitation and actionable intelligence have become mainstream. 2024 should see continued product innovation and increased competition as providers jostle to stay connected to their golden geese (namely high-growth companies, especially franchisors).

Artificial Intelligence is spearheading a healthcare revolution by optimizing processes, improving diagnostics, and providing personalized care. It addresses the global healthcare workforce shortage by automating tasks, freeing professionals to concentrate on patient outcomes. For Doctor Anywhere, AI has enabled us to significantly reduce consultation times through smart prescription filling and personalized health recommendations for patients, improving both their short-term recovery and long-term well-being.

Lim Wai Mun

Founder & CEO
Doctor Anywhere

In FY2020, when COVID-19 took the world by storm, total sales in the Japanese fitness industry were down 35% from FY 2019. In the aftermath of COVID-19, companies recovered with various initiatives or closed some clubs to keep the company alive. Total sales in FY23 are expected to recover to more than 90% of FY19 sales. The top three sales companies will recover to 84% of FY19 sales in FY23 for Konami Sports, 87% for Central Sports and 98% for Renaissance. Renaissance will acquire Tokyu Sports Oasis, on 1 April 2024 and is estimated to become Japan’s No. 1 fitness company by sales in FY24.

Toshikazu Saito

Renaissance Inc.

Market Players