Specialist boutique fitness lifestyle brands dedicated to delivering exceptional experiences
MOVE [REPEAT] is a collective of specialist boutique fitness lifestyle brands dedicated to delivering exceptional experiences across select modalities. Committed to quality, sustainable growth, and brand excellence, MOVE [REPEAT] currently houses Yoga Movement and STRONG Pilates Singapore.
To learn more, visit www.moverepeat.com.
2 in Asia
Countries Served
No. Facilities
Years in Market
Studio Members

Achievements of 2024
We opened 2 new STRONG Pilates studios in 2024.
We opened our first new studio, Yoga Movement Central in Hong Kong.

Move Repeat’s first year has been a big one! We launched our first international studio, strategically expanded our team, and grew the STRONG Singapore site count. MR brands continue to drive innovation with bold in-studio experiences, dynamic brand activations, and ever-evolving offerings. Launching Yoga Movement in Hong Kong was an exciting move to elevate the fitness landscape of the city and redefine HK’s service expectations of our sector. At our core, accessibility fuels everything we do, with our team and members at the heart of our business. This mission propels Move Repeat’s growth and future brand mix.
In 2025, Move Repeat will be focusing on growth, innovation, and digital expansion. We’re increasing site count, diversifying brand mix, and entering new markets. We aim to push boundaries and enhance fitness experiences across Asia, including the amplification of the digital side of member experience that’ll improve accessibility, engagement, and community connection to deliver top-tier fitness and lifestyle experiences to our clients.
Olivia Milne
General Manager

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