Co-Founder and Chief Wellness Director


Karina Stewart

Karina Stewart, as a founding partner and Chief Wellness Director for Kamalaya, is committed to creating a place where healing and harmonious transformation can flourish. Born and raised in Mexico until she was 15 years old, Karina’s life journey has been greatly influenced by her mother’s interest in natural healing, meditation, yoga and spirituality. From the age of 14, when she began meditating and exploring Asian spiritual philosophies, Karina’s heart was opened to an existence of devotion and self discovery. Karina has twenty-two years of experience in the study and practice of diverse Asian healing and spiritual traditions. Her academic background includes a Master’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine from Yo San University in California, with internships in Japan and China. Earlier studies include a B.A. from Princeton University in cultural anthropology and Asian religions. Her training extends to structural therapies such as Hellerwork and Cranial-Sacral Manipulation, yoga and Taoist philosophy and practice. Prior to Kamalaya, Karina founded a health centre in Kathmandu, Nepal, where for seven years she practiced Oriental Medicine and produced a range of Chinese herbal products. Following this period she collaborated on a research project in California with Dr. James Dahlgran, expert in environmental toxicology and founder of the B Well Centre, and Dr. Maoshing Ni, founder of the Tao of Wellness, to develop and test medical detoxification protocols combining modern medicine, Traditional Chinese medicine and Naturopathy. In California, Karina also designed and directed a medical detoxification program at the Hall Centre and facilitated her ‘Awakening’ retreats in several cities, which focussed on cellular detoxification and purification practices from both Eastern and Western traditions. Karina’s vision is behind Kamalaya’s integral wellness programs that aim to access the inner healing power within each individual and support a harmonious integration of heart, body, mind, and spirit.