Rest & Recovery

The Renaissance of Rest & Recovery Now Encompasses Everyday Life

Amid the escalating focus on preventative health this year, the pivotal role of quality sleep in overall well-being is increasingly acknowledged, impacting daily mood, mental health, and long-term vitality. 2023 introduces an expanded array of offerings, including sleep retreats, personalised AI-integrated solutions, enhanced sleep monitoring wearable devices and apps, innovative sleep environment enhancement devices and products like smart bedding and sensorial-based solutions. Other prevention and recovery solutions such as hot and cold therapies (cryotherapy, infrared saunas, light therapy), massages, EMF rehab, light and frequency therapies, percussion devices, continue to gain popularity among consumers and service providers. A global surge in sleep tourism is anticipated, accompanied by genetic and neuroscience-backed solutions, biomechanics-driven virtual reality (VR) and further integration of recovery modalities in fitness centres, refining consumers’ post-workout and recovery experiences.

In 2023, fitness and hospitality partners all over the world have proven that recovery as a service, a membership upgrade or even a pay-as-you-go experience, is a massive revenue driver for their clubs. And it will only get bigger in 2024. We built over 1,000 recovery rooms in gyms, professional training rooms, hotels and even airline lounges across the world in 2023, and we expect that number to double in 2024. And partners are getting Uber creative about how to offer recovery as a wellness amenity: in 2023, Westin launched a Hyperice gear lending program where guests can borrow our recovery tech during their stay and have it delivered directly to their room.

Joe Cannon

Senior Vice President, Business Development

Since the first Theragun, we’ve worked nonstop to deliver our proven science quietly and incorporate LED therapy. My vision has always been to get Theragun into as many people’s hands as possible – to help as many people as we can. This new generation of devices [Theragun PRO Plus, Theragun Sense and Theragun Relief] takes us one-step closer to that as these innovations make the Theragun more accessible and effective than ever before.

Dr. Jason Wersland

Founder & Chief Wellness Officer

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