International Fitness Academy

Rey Bolivar

CEO International

During Rey’s career of over 26 years in the fitness and wellness industry, he has worked in a multitude of fitness arenas, enabling his comprehensive approach to business, commitment to superior service standards, team learning & development and execution of the great ideas. Rey firmly believes to truly understand your industry, a mastery of every facet of the job is essential. Having worked in virtually every department in the trade, it has given him the insight to focus on the details, correct root cause issues, predict downstream implications and deliver results. Rey’s greatest strengths are his ability to inspire and energize teams as well as develop managerial and leadership proficiency in others – these are core to his approach. Throughout his career, he has built high performance teams with the ability to execute and continually exceed goals. Rey builds and restructures organizations’ operations and sales teams in a scalable format that allows for sustainable results. He has proven that he is able to grow companies through new unit start-ups and acquisitions while being able to deliver results with same store growth. As President of Will’s Group, Rey is responsible for the operations and development of the Premium business brands. Previously Rey was the President & Chief Operating Officer – Anytime Fitness Asia is the fastest growing Anytime Fitness Master Franchise in the world. It currently operates out of Singapore, Hong Kong, Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia, China, Thailand and Indonesia. Rey was also Head of global sales and marketing for Asia’s premium lifestyle brand – PURE Group, operating out of 4 major countries – Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and China. Previous to this, he was a Director in Town Sports International – CLUB (NASDAQ). New York Sports Clubs, Washington Sports Clubs, Philadelphia Sports Clubs and Boston Sports Clubs. From 26 gyms to 190+ gyms and IPO offering.