
Founder and CEO

The use of challenge apps to gamify fitness and connect with members is shaping up to be a game changer in 2024. Challenges are already helping boost engagement, but as tech gets a hold of the trend, we’ll see apps revolutionizing this space.

shape-Light-Blue.png8 Predictions for
Boutique Fitness in 2024

At Hapana, we get a front-row seat to the changes taking place in fitness centers across the world – in gyms like F45, Vive Active, and more. Here’s what we’re predicting for fitness businesses in 2024. 

1. Embracing The Fitness Lifestyle 

Being part of a fitness center has started to become a part of permanent lifestyle and identity, instead a temporary solution to achieve a certain outcome. Instead, it’s about creating a routine that becomes a cornerstone of how we see ourselves. We’re not going to the gym to achieve a gym body, we’re going in order to become gym people

It’s the same trend across yoga studios, martial arts centers, dance studios, and other centers. Fitness studios will be aiming to double down on this trend, creating positive associations between lifetime membership and active participation.

2. Recovery As Fitness

Recovery will continue to have a massive surge. The saying “Muscles are built outside the gym” has never been more true than now. The focus on recovery – including massage therapy, assisted stretches, cold plunges, and saunas – is gaining traction. For example, Today Fitness runs injury assessment programs and provides products for muscle stimulation, as well as a host of other recovery options.

Recognizing that recovery is as crucial as the workout itself, more fitness centers will incorporate these elements, emphasizing the importance of rest and rejuvenation in the fitness journey. 

3. Challenge Apps Bring The Fun For Members

The use of challenge apps to gamify fitness and connect with members is shaping up to be a game changer in 2024. These apps add a competitive and fun element to working out, motivating individuals through challenges and milestones, and fostering a sense of community through shared goals. Challenges are already helping boost engagement, but as tech gets a hold of the trend, we’ll see apps revolutionizing this space.

4. Navigating The Biohacking Wave

The integration of technology and fitness has led to the rise of biohacking, where data drives our workout regimes. By harnessing the power of data, individuals can optimize their fitness routines for better results, tailored to their body’s needs. 

This trend signifies a more scientific approach to fitness, where workouts are not just about effort but about smart, data-informed choices. From daily blood glucose monitoring, to the ever-present smartwatch, to full-body 3D modelling, fitness centers will be expected to lean into personalized data tracking in ways that are hyper-relevant to their offering.

5. Leaving Descartes in The Dust

The fitness industry is moving away from the separation of mind and body as separate parts of health, and trending towards greater recognition of their inseparability. This holistic approach emphasizes the importance of mental health and its undeniable connection to physical well-being. This shift is seen in terminology – “fitness” to “wellness” – and the marketing of programs, with group programs advertising benefits for both body and mind, and a stronger emphasis on integrative exercises like yoga.

6. Sharing The Fitness Journey

In response to the escalating cost of living, fitness centers will explore innovative solutions like dual-access memberships. This allows partners or friends to share a gym membership at a reduced rate, making fitness more accessible and fostering a sense of community. For example, D.R. Semmes Family YMCA has gym memberships for either one adult and a child, or two adults only.

7. Crafting a Home-away-from-home

As centers look to appeal towards wider audiences, they’ll trend towards a Korean jjimjilbang style of convenience: instead of in-and-out change rooms, expect more facilities with everything you need to reenter society after a sweat session. Complimentary body wash, shampoo and conditioner, makeup remover, toothbrushes, moisturizer, dry shampoo, q tips, ironing boards, even hair ties and bobby pins. Making centers a home away from home can soften the transition to and from a workout – which is, sometimes, a serious barrier. 

8. Expanding Workout Horizons

The concept of a fitness passport, allowing access to multiple fitness centers and services, is gaining popularity. This initiative caters to the modern, mobile lifestyle, offering flexibility and variety in fitness options. This is already gaining a lot of momentum, and we’ll see it become bigger this year as fitness studios follow the lead of big names like Anytime Fitness, Planet Fitness, ClassPass and BODDY/TrainAway.

About Jarron Aizen

Jarron Aizen is the founder and CEO of Hapana, the leading fitness software that unlocks growth and efficiency for gyms, fitness studios and franchises. Jarron is an innovator in the tech space, possessing comprehensive knowledge in computer software and technology, and is distinguished by his entrepreneurial spirit, passion for sports, and exceptional schooling results.

As a solo entrepreneur, Jarron navigated the challenges of building a business from scratch, demonstrating a wide range of expertise in all facets of operations. He bootstrapped the venture into a successful international company, now boasting a diverse team of 70 employees located in over 5 countries, with a customer base across 17 markets.

The breadth of Jarron’s expertise encompasses product development, engineering, customer operations, sales, finance, and corporate governance. These skills have been critical to Hapana’s success, enabling the company to grow and service thousands of fitness businesses worldwide.

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